CAO Bingyan, XIAO Jing, RAO Yi, et al. Discussion on the optimization scheme of the apprenticeship in the standardized training of traditional Chinese medicine residents[J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2023,42(6):117-120.
CAO Bingyan, XIAO Jing, RAO Yi, et al. Discussion on the optimization scheme of the apprenticeship in the standardized training of traditional Chinese medicine residents[J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2023,42(6):117-120. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2023.06.182.
Apprenticeship is an important part of the standardized training of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) residents. The purpose of its combination with the standardized training in wards is to ensure that trainees not only possess standard TCM ways of thinking but also form personalized thinking patterns. However
in the process of practice
neither tutors nor students were enthusiastic about apprentice training
as a result of which it became a mere formality. In view of this
the present paper analyzed the reasons why the policy of apprentice system could not be well implemented
based on which suggestions were offered from three perspectives: flexible arrangement of apprenticeship timetable
improvement in the two-way selection between mentors and apprentices
and apprenticeship training in the form of teams
in order to better implement the apprenticeship in the standardized training of TCM residents.
standardized training of TCM residentsapprenticeshiptrainees