北京中医药大学管理学院 北京 102488
马爽, 刘亚敏, 韩镇, 等. 比较视角下我国中医药人员队伍发展现状研究[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(1):19-24.
MA Shuang, LIU Yamin, HAN Zhen, et al. Comparative study on the status quo of Chinese medicine workforce development in China. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(1):19-24.
马爽, 刘亚敏, 韩镇, 等. 比较视角下我国中医药人员队伍发展现状研究[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(1):19-24. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.01.292.
MA Shuang, LIU Yamin, HAN Zhen, et al. Comparative study on the status quo of Chinese medicine workforce development in China. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(1):19-24. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.01.292.
Based on the data from the
Excerpts from National Statistics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
and the
China Statistical Yearbook of Public Health
from 2012 to 2021
we comparatively analyzed the current situation of and regional differences among provinces in the development of professionals of public health in general and traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in specific in China over the past decade to identify regional characteristics
and challenges. The results showed that the number of licensed TCM physicians (and physician assistants) in China had increased significantly
but the growth of TCM pharmacists was relatively slow. On the other hand
the number of physicians (and assistants) per 10
000 people in China was significantly higher than that of TCM physicians
indicating a shortfall in the availability of TCM professionals. Additionally
the development of TCM workforce in different regions was uneven. In view of such status quo
it is suggested that the Chinese government should further strengthen its policy for the training of TCM pharmacists in particular and prioritize the development of TCM professionals in general to implement TCM development policies and measures. Moreover
it is important to formulate appropriate plans for TCM personnel cultivation
taking into account the specific needs of regional development. This will help to fill the lack of TCM human resources and promote the coordinated development of TCM and Western medicine.
traditional Chinese medicineprofessionalsTCM physician (and physician assistant)TCM pharmacistcurrent situation research
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