上海中医药大学 上海 201203
金旻逸, 李俊松, 晋永, 等. 从“物我”双因素角度探讨“意象”美的分类及美育实践[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(1):72-77.
JIN Minyi, LI Junsong, JIN Yong, et al. Classification of imagery from the perspective of "object and subject" and its application in the practice of aesthetic education. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(1):72-77.
金旻逸, 李俊松, 晋永, 等. 从“物我”双因素角度探讨“意象”美的分类及美育实践[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(1):72-77. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.01.381.
JIN Minyi, LI Junsong, JIN Yong, et al. Classification of imagery from the perspective of "object and subject" and its application in the practice of aesthetic education. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(1):72-77. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.01.381.
Innovation in aesthetic education is an important way to promote the reform and development of such education in colleges and universities in the new era. As a result
a research focus in the teaching reform of the education in institutions of higher learning is how to integrate multi-disciplinary resources based on aesthetic theory
innovate relevant educational practice
and achieve the goals of cultivating students with such education. In response
we have chosen imagery
one of the core concepts of Chinese classical aesthetics
as our focus. However
relevant researches on aesthetic education practice rooted in the "imagery" are rare and lack theoretical foundation
practical methods and case studies. In view of the lack
this paper created the two-factor imagery classification by analyzing the two key elements "object" and "subject" in the formation of imagery
from which derived five kinds of imagery relationships that are both independent and interrelated
i.e. the object itself vs. the subject human′s first impression
the object with its surroundings vs. human′s expression of emotions
the object with its benefits vs. human′s cognition and creation in practice
the object with its connotative meanings vs. human′s history and culture
and the unity of the object and the subject in artistic creations
forming a continuum of imagery. This classification was then employed to guide students′ appreciation and creation of the imagery of Chinese medicinal herbs to explore the feasibility of the new educational practice for integrating aesthetic education with professional education
and improve the actual learning outcomes of such education in colleges and universities. Furthermore
our research can provide widely applicable methods for carrying out aesthetic education that meets the needs of the new era.
two factors of object and subjectclassification of imageryappreciation of Chinese medicinal herbsaesthetic education practice
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