黑龙江中医药大学 哈尔滨 150040
郭宏伟. 以质量文化新样态 推动高等中医药院校新发展[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(1):1-7.
GUO Hongwei. New development of traditional Chinese medicine colleges and universities driven by new quality culture modus. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(1):1-7.
郭宏伟. 以质量文化新样态 推动高等中医药院校新发展[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(1):1-7. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.01.417.
GUO Hongwei. New development of traditional Chinese medicine colleges and universities driven by new quality culture modus. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(1):1-7. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.01.417.
It is the historical mission of and the new era requirement for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) colleges and universities to construct a quality culture centered on the elements of quality first
pursuit of excellence and Chinese characteristics
to achieve high-quality and connotative development
and to cultivate TCM talents with virtue plus competence urgently needed by the country. TCM colleges and universities should take the transformation and reform of higher education as an opportunity to construct a quality culture system with Chinese characteristics from the perspectives of values
Chinese characteristics
management philosophy
ethics and morality
and rules and regulations for education quality
create a new modus for quality culture development in relevant colleges and universities
and solve the problems of tool transformation from theoretical model into practical example through case studies
optimization and integration. Based on that
we can construct a practical paradigm for improving the quality of TCM colleges and universities led by the quality culture for new development by innovating quality with reform in higher education as the opportunity
consolidating quality of undergraduate education as the foundation
developing quality with unique talents as the root
leading quality with moral requirements as the benchmark
implementing quality with system improvement as the support
expressing quality with behavior guidance as the reflection
and improving quality with facility construction as the basis.
quality culturehigher education in traditional Chinese medicinenew modelhigh-quality development
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