1.北京中医药大学 北京 102488
2.中国中医科学院中医药信息研究所中医药知识组织与标准研究中心 北京 100700
3.兰州大学化学化工学院 兰州 730000
周益桢, 赵宏扬, 甘秀伦, 等. 基于KANO模型的国际形势与政策专题课程质量提升关键要素研究[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(4):87-92.
ZHOU Yizhen, ZHAO Hongyang, GAN Xiulun, et al. Research on key factors for improving the quality of the thematic course International Situations and Policies based on the KANO model. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(4):87-92.
周益桢, 赵宏扬, 甘秀伦, 等. 基于KANO模型的国际形势与政策专题课程质量提升关键要素研究[J]. 中医教育, 2024,43(4):87-92. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.04.643.
ZHOU Yizhen, ZHAO Hongyang, GAN Xiulun, et al. Research on key factors for improving the quality of the thematic course International Situations and Policies based on the KANO model. [J]. Education of Chinese Medicine, 2024,43(4):87-92. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-305X.2024.04.643.
Based on the KANO model theory
this study aims to improve the quality of the "International Situations and Policies" thematic course at Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. Through an investigation of the current situation
this study explores the key factors for improving the course quality. Combining these findings with theories of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
the study proposes countermeasures and suggestions for course quality improvement. The questionnaire survey reveals that the quality indicator "involving disciplinary knowledge in course content" is highly correlated with the increasing of student satisfaction. Additionally
quality indicators such as "providing learning materials to students before class" falls into the "high satisfaction correlation zone " . Further improvement could happen in areas such as the integration of ideological-political content with professional learning and in structural design of the course. The results indicate that to enhance the quality of the "International Situations and Policies" course
it is crucial to focus on two key factors of "involving disciplinary knowledge in course content" and "providing learning materials to students before class" . Attention should be paid to both course content and assessment methods. Based on the current situation of relevant curriculum construction in colleges and universities of traditional Chinese medicine
the study proposes an innovative teaching approach of "student-centered
tailored to three factors" : student-centered
timing-tailored —identifying full-cycle training needs and building a phased course system; student-centered
location-tailored—leveraging the strengths of traditional Chinese medicine to achieve multi-dimensional course objectives; student-centered
individual-tailored—gathering the collective intelligence of teachers and students to collaboratively build a high-quality course.
Situations and Policiesideological and political theory courseKANO modelcourse qualitysatisfaction
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